Multiplus grid
Output  KW
Bus  V
Multiplus ESS 1
Import/Export  KW
Target:  KW
Inverter  KW
Multiplus ESS 2
Import/Export:  KW
Target:  KW
Inverter  KW
Multiplus ESS 3
Import/Export:  KW
Target:  KW
Inverter  KW

Microgrid Simulator

This simulates a very basic control algorithm for sharing load across multiple energy storage systems on a microgrid using my rough model of a victron multiplus II. Increase the load and notice how the other ESS units help to supply the load. Increase the solar generation and notice how it helps charge the other ESS units up. The grid inverter is there purely for balancing the grid until the ESS units ramp up to supply the load.

I have a much more efficient control algorithm designed for production use. This page is just to demonstrate how participants in a microgrid can work together. Contact me at if you would like more information or would like help implementing a more stable version of this with real hardware.

© Steven Webb 2023